City in the Empire

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Funeral of Volodymyr Barvinskyi (1883)

Volodymyr Barvinskyi was an ideologue of the populist movement, a writer and the founder and editor of the "Dilo" newspaper. His death and funeral in 1883 marked the beginning of the formation of the Ukrainian national pantheon at the Lychakivsky cemetery.
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Reburial of Markiyan Shashkevych in Lviv (1893)

The reburial of Markiyan Shashkevych in Lviv on November 1, 1893 is considered one of the most significant "national manifestations" of the Ruthenians in the city. Apart from the mass character of the event, the figure of the poet himself as a "people's awakener" is important, by analogy with national poets of other nations.
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The 300th anniversary of the Brest Church Union (1896)

A series of religious celebrations dedicated to the Catholic jubilee was organized by the Lviv Metropolitanate of the Greek Catholic Church. In them, not only religious but also national affiliation was manifested and loyalty to the monarchy was demonstrated.
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350th anniversary of the Rifle Association in Lviv (1896)

On October 18, 1896, the 350th anniversary of the Rifle Association was celebrated in Lviv. It could be an ordinary anniversary of an ordinary organization but for the role of the Strzelnica in the city’s political life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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