In 1882–84 on the Zyblikevicha 30 Street (now Ivana Franka 56 Street), the church-chapel of the Basilians of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built in the neo-Romanesque style (now it houses the monastery of St. Clement of the Order of the Redemptorists).
Image source: City media archive.
The fortification complex was built in 1849, shortly after the suppression of the Spring of Nations uprising. Read more about the architecture and history of the complex on Lviv Interactive.
In the photo: Citadel complex, 1910-1920 (Edmund Libanski, from the collection of Ihor Kotlobulatov, Міський медіаархів).
The new Lviv City Hall was built in 1835 on the site of the old building, which collapsed in 1826, and was designed in the Viennese classicist style. The authors of the project were Alois Wondraszka, Jerzy Glogowski, Joseph Markl, and Franz Trescher. Read more about the history and architecture of the building on Lviv Interactive.
Lithograph by Karl Auer (1847-1848, from the collection of Ihor Kotlobulatov, Urban Media Archive).