Social City

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The social city

Emancipation processes allowed various national communities to "come onto the stage"; the government was now formed not only by aristocrats but also by representatives of bourgeoisie; in addition, manifestations of workers and women became frequent as both were becoming organized groups with their own subjectivity.
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The Workers' Solidarity Day. May Day celebrations

Workers' Solidarity Day was celebrated in Lviv from 1890. Annual demonstrations became an element of public policy in the city. The Ukrainians, Poles and Jews of Lviv held them together or separately, national issues ultimately prevailing over social ones.
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Echoes of the Russian Revolution of 1905 in Lviv

Though in the early 20th century Lviv was not an industrial center with a large number of workers, the Russian Revolution had a significant impact on life there. The events of 1905 were among the main outbursts of left-wing activity in the city.
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The strikes of May 1905 in Lviv

During strikes in May 1905, a trend emerged that manifested itself at its full potential during the construction workers' strike in July: an attempt to play the "patriotic card" in the confrontation between workers and employers. With this in view, the press, posters on the walls, and speeches during rallies or meetings were used.
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