City in the Empire (upcoming)

З позиції імперії Львів був (або лише мав стати під владою Габсбургів) органічною частиною монархії, столицею коронного краю і містом з певною долею самобутності. Для того, щоб донести цю ідею до місцевих еліт та населення, використовувалися, серед іншого, і спеціальні ритуали.

У часи нео-абсолютизму, після придушення Весни народів, імперські та релігійні ритуали фактично були єдиним дозволеним варіантом вуличної маніфестації.

З часом, коли ліберальні реформи та автономія дозволили місцевим політичним активістам відкрито маніфестувати свої погляди, на ці ритуали накладалися все нові і нові сенси. Це дуже добре ілюструють, наприклад, п’ять візитів цісаря Франца Йосифа до Львова.

Місцеві еліти використовували ці нагоди, щоб популяризувати свої ідеї, а точніше "показати себе" і "показати місто" відповідно до своїх поглядів та переконань. Але головне, що ці ритуали стали прикладом і основою для подальшої "вуличної" масової політики.

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Welcoming guests and showing oneself

The best way to see how Lviv and Lvivites wanted to "show themselves" to the guests of the city is through the stories of imperial visits. In addition to the fact that these visits were very important and revealing, their example can be used to trace the evolution of welcoming guests and self-presentation over the course of half a century. And there were other visits and other guests, less significant, but no less revealing.
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Honouring the emperor without the emperor

The symbolic role of Franz Joseph in the system of ideas about imperial power is described in the text about the emperor's visit to Lviv. However, the figure of the emperor was informationally present in the city even in his physical absence. It was quite evident, in particular, during various celebrations, jubilees or anniversaries.
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Funeral of Volodymyr Barvinskyi (1883)

Volodymyr Barvinskyi was an ideologue of the populist movement, a writer and the founder and editor of the "Dilo" newspaper. His death and funeral in 1883 marked the beginning of the formation of the Ukrainian national pantheon at the Lychakivsky cemetery.
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Reburial of Markiyan Shashkevych in Lviv (1893)

The reburial of Markiyan Shashkevych in Lviv on November 1, 1893 is considered one of the most significant "national manifestations" of the Ruthenians in the city. Apart from the mass character of the event, the figure of the poet himself as a "people's awakener" is important, by analogy with national poets of other nations.
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The 300th anniversary of the Brest Church Union (1896)

A series of religious celebrations dedicated to the Catholic jubilee was organized by the Lviv Metropolitanate of the Greek Catholic Church. In them, not only religious but also national affiliation was manifested and loyalty to the monarchy was demonstrated.
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Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the abolition of corvee labour held in Lviv (1898)

The anniversary of the "liberation of the peasantry", which was marked by a celebration in the capital of the crown province, was a confirmation of the status of Lviv both as a place where public policy was made and as a symbolic city for which national projects competed. The large-scale character of the "Ruthenian action" was, as usual, to be provided by peasants from throughout the province.
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