Religious rituals

Apart from the fact that Lviv was the center of three metropolitanates (Roman Catholic, Greek Catholic and Armenian), important elements of the city’s religious mosaic included a large Jewish community, as well as a notable Protestant community. When it comes to purposeful political representation with the use of religious instruments, the main actors were the Roman Catholic Poles and the Greek Catholic Ukrainians. For them, this presence in the city was part of the struggle for Lviv as a center of their "national revival." In this situation, the Armenian Church acted and looked like a part of the "Polish project."

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Religious rituals in the public space of Lviv

The Roman Catholic Poles and the Greek Catholic Ukrainians were the main actors in purposeful political representation with the use of religious instruments in Lviv. For them, this presence in the city was part of the struggle for Lviv as a center of their "national revival."
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The 300th anniversary of the Brest Church Union (1896)

A series of religious celebrations dedicated to the Catholic jubilee was organized by the Lviv Metropolitanate of the Greek Catholic Church. In them, not only religious but also national affiliation was manifested and loyalty to the monarchy was demonstrated.
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Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the abolition of corvee labour held in Lviv (1898)

The anniversary of the "liberation of the peasantry", which was marked by a celebration in the capital of the crown province, was a confirmation of the status of Lviv both as a place where public policy was made and as a symbolic city for which national projects competed. The large-scale character of the "Ruthenian action" was, as usual, to be provided by peasants from throughout the province.
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Epiphany celebration

The most significant annual religious celebration held in Lviv by Greek Catholics was the celebration of Epiphany.
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Formation of a "national" church calendar in Lviv

In Lviv, the Ukrainians (mainly Greek Catholics) and the Poles (mainly Roman Catholics) used different calendars, Julian and Gregorian. Consequently, Christian holidays fell on different days for them. Each group had not only its own dates and ways of celebrating the same holidays but also different priorities in the celebrations.