City history

Examples of celebrating local dates dedicated to events from Lviv's past, on one way or another, was either an imitation of what was already happening in the city during the emperor's visits and religious practices, or borrowing Western progressive models of modern political life. Therefore, when analyzing these events, the interpretation, arguments and explanations of "why this was being done" have more weight than anything else; more precisely, it is important to see how local history was woven into the national narrative and used in the political struggle.

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350th anniversary of the Rifle Association in Lviv (1896)

On October 18, 1896, the 350th anniversary of the Rifle Association was celebrated in Lviv. It could be an ordinary anniversary of an ordinary organization but for the role of the Strzelnica in the city’s political life in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
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Feast of Lviv's tailors' "guild" (1900)

St. Anna's day, July 29, was considered a professional feast of Lviv's tailors' "guild." The restoration of this celebration practice at the city-wide level had a strong political basis. The initiators of the event referred to a tradition that existed before the 1772 partition of Poland in Lviv and, according to the organizers, was supposed to be restored in 1900.
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The 550th anniversary of the shoemakers' guild (May 1907)

In May 1907, Lviv celebrated 550th anniversary of the shoemakers’ guild. In fact, any anniversary "older" than the period of Galicia being under the rule of the Habsburgs is an example of the use of history in national politics, when some relic from the times of, for example, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was interpreted as valuable heritage of previous generations and as an example to follow.
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40th anniversary of the Fire Association Sokół (May 30-31, 1909)

In 1909, Lviv celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Fire Association Sokół. The anniversary of this association was an opportunity to demonstrate success in city management and to show that a Polish association was capable of effective self-organization. Also, it was an opportunity to "play with one's muscles" as the event had a clearly paramilitary character.