Monument to Adam Mickiewicz
Read more about the monument to Adam Mickiewicz and its opening celebration on Lviv Interactive.
Read more about the monument to Adam Mickiewicz and its opening celebration on Lviv Interactive.
A monument to this Polish and Austrian politician, the governor of Galicia, was opened on 28 June 1901. It was designed by Paris-based Polish sculptor Cyprian Godebski. After the Second World War the monument disappeared under unknown circumstances; today a decorative vase is installed in its place.
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The monument to the count, a Polish playwright and a honorary citizen of Lviv, was set up in 1897 on the Akademicka square on the initiative of the Literary and Artistic Circle. Its author was sculptor Leonard Marconi. After WW2 the monument was transported to Poland and installed on the market square in Wrocław in 1956.
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The monument was erected in 1906. Read more on Lviv Interactive.
A monument to Franciszek Smolka, a Polish politician and a resident of Lviv, was installed on the square by sculptor Tadeusz Błotnicki in 1913 and dismantled in 1946.
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More information about the monument can be found at Lviv Interactive.
The monument to this participant in the uprising led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko was established on the initiative of Lviv craftsmen. The monument was designed by architect Julian Zachariewicz (1888) and made by sculptor Julian Markowski. It was established in 1895.
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The monument was erected at the initiative of the Literary and Artistic Circle near the City Casino building in 1901. Read more on Lviv Interactive.
It was erected in 1869 in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Union between Poland, Lithuania, and Russia on the initiative of Polish politician Franciszek Smolka from Lviv. More on Lviv Interactive.