Polytechnic The Higher Technical School (from 1919, the Lviv Polytechnic). The building was opened in 1877.
Potocki Palace The Potocki family palace was built in 1889-1890 by the French architect Louis Dauvernier under the supervision of architect Julian Cybulski on the site of the previous residence. Read more about the history and architecture of the building on Lviv Interactive.
Racławice Panorama "Racławice Panorama" is a work by a group of Polish artists created for Regional exhibition of 1894 which took place in Lviv, was exhibited in a separate pavilion. Read more about the architecture of the building on Lviv Interactive.
Railway Administration The building of the railroad administration was built in 1887 on 3 Maja Street (today - Sichovykh Striltsiv Street). More information on Lviv Interactive.
Regional court and prison The old building of the regional court. Photo by Edward Trzemeski, 1890 (from the collection of the Lviv Historical Museum, Urban Media Archive).