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This project focuses on events in the public space of the city, under the open sky. After the suppression of the "Spring of Nations" in 1848 and until the adoption of the 1867 constitution, the only legal avenues for public expression were religious rituals and imperial celebrations. Going out into the streets to express one's opinion without it automatically being considered a rebellion was still a novelty.

Over time, the format of these events changed. Initially "viches" were common as gatherings of activists where each participant could be registered and controlled. Then political demonstrations and rallies gained popularity, where individuals could get lost in the crowd. ЗThe format of the meetings changed, but the term "viche" came to be used for both types of events: chamber and mass gatherings. This, in turn, meant that participation in politics could be anonymous, and participants could behave more radically and less law-abiding.

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40th anniversary of the Fire Association Sokół (May 30-31, 1909)

In 1909, Lviv celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Fire Association Sokół. The anniversary of this association was an opportunity to demonstrate success in city management and to show that a Polish association was capable of effective self-organization. Also, it was an opportunity to "play with one's muscles" as the event had a clearly paramilitary character.
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115th Anniversary of Tadeusz Kosciuszko's Victory at Racławice (1909)

"Обходи" до 115-ліття перемоги Костюшка під Рацлавіцами належать якраз до цієї категорії, адже, крім традиційних богослужінь, урочистих академій і мітингів, містили інші цікаві "нестандартні" заходи.
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Students and the Struggle for the Status of Lviv University (1909)

The issue of the University of Lviv was part of a broader confrontation over the status of the Ukrainian language and thus an element of national competition between Poles and Ukrainians. Students, as the most "progressive" and active part of society, were at the forefront of this struggle.
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The murder of the student Adam Kotsko (1910)

The murder of Adam Kotsko took place in 1910 amidst the riots that broke out over the possible opening of a Ukrainian university. The student was one of the leaders of the Ukrainian student movement here. After the bloody culmination, the struggles switched to a more legal political course.
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500th Anniversary of the Battle of Grunwald (1910)

Відзначення перемоги польсько-литовсько-руських сил над "німцями"-хрестоносцями не могла не містити антинімецькі нотки. Тому, щоб уникнути конфронтації з центральною владою, в пресі використовували формулювання "перемога над хрестоносцями", що дозволяло всім, в тому числі чиновникам, зберегти лице.
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Honoring Ukrainian "poet-prophets"

Як і у випадку з польськими "поетами-пророками", українці наприкінці ХІХ — на початку ХХ століття взялися активно формувати свій "національний пантеон". І так само як серед поляків, в українському середовищі існував конфлікт між світською інтелігенцією та католицькою церквою.
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